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Coalition of U.S. Catholic Organizations Encourages the Public to Get Vaccinated; Calls for Equitable Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines
News from the Vatican City
Missionhurst-CICM congratulates our confrere, Bishop-elect Felicien Ntambue Kasembe, CICM for having been appointed by the Holy Father Pope Francis as Bishop of the Diocese of Kabinda, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
2020 Missionhurst Picnic cancelled
Due to the pandemic, the Missionhurst annual picnic for this year is cancelled. Let us pray for everyone’s safety. Please continue to support the mission of Missionhurst-CICM with your prayers.
Missionhurst Chapel safely reopening
Beginning Sunday, June 28th - Missionhurst chapel resumes its public masses with limited capacity. To maintain the social distancing of 6 feet, we have put into place the following regulations...
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